We love to hear from you!
Over 800 of our beloved charges have left to their forever homes. While we are very happy for them, we miss them too. They have played an important role in CARA's history, and each and every one of them has touched our lives in one way or another. They are what keeps us fighting; for their unconditional love, courage, strength and so many other great character traits have inspired us to no end. If you are one of those wonderful people whose life is now enriched by one of our beloved charges, we would love to hear from you and them. May it be to share experiences and lessons learned, or just to let our awesome volunteers know how your new pet is doing. If you have stories and maybe even pictures to share, please email our Historian Jean at cara_adoptions_follow_up@cara-nc.org
And with your permission, we would love to share your updates on this website for all of our volunteers and those interested to read.
This page is updated as often as we receive news from our adopters, and you may find new stories towards the bottom of the page. |
Cotto aka Falafel |
Hello all at CARA,
Cotto (Falafel) is absolutely wonderful. He had his first vet visit with me on Tuesday, and everything is fine and he's UTD with his shots. His last puppy shots will be on Feb 18 along with his rabies shot, and he'll get neutered the week before. You'll be receiving my paper requesting the neuter deposit back soon. Thank you for the wonderful addition to our family!!!!!!!!
-God Bless, Stephanie |
01/01/2008 |
Linus |
Linus is doing great. He is getting HUGE and is an absolute sweet heart. All is well with him and our family.
Thank you once again! | |
01/01/2009 |
Marley aka Zack |
Zack is now Marley and he is a sweet and loving dog. Very mellow for a puppy and very happy.
We love him a whole lot.
Thanks, Kathleen | |
01/04/2009 |
Tramp |
Tramp is doing fine. He and our boxer Jack have become very close. If only I could break him from diggin up the yard he;d be perfect. Any ideas? Well glad to hear from y'all and hope you have a happy new year.
Michael | |
01/10/2009 |
Stella |
When we picked Stella up you said it might take about two weeks for her to settle in. Fortunately it only took about two hours for her to start acting like she was at home so I take that as a good sign that she is happy with her new home.
Keith | |
01/10/2009 |
Quinn |
Quinn is doing really well. She and my dog Sadie play with each other all the time and when they get tired out they lay down together. Both sleep with me on the bed at night with Quinn cuddled between Sadie's, a year old golden retriever, paws. It is a lot of fun having her around.
Barbara | |
01/10/2009 |
Markus aka Arin |
Everything is fine. Arin/Marcus is everything we thought he would be!
John | |
01/10/2009 |
Eileen |
We're doing fine and she seems to be settling in with her new MOM. :) She has gotten a clean bill of health from my Vet and had her first Christmas....which I think really was her first experience with a tree, presents and festivities. LOL. I still have to watch her around other dogs, small and large, and will probably have to accept the fact that this is just her. My other "child" was not very social either so I can handle that. Jojo does seems to be ok around cats but not other canines. Thanks for checking on us.
Sincerly, Sue | |
01/12/2009 |
Suki aka Morgan |
Morgan, (Suki) is doing great! She is a bundle of play and joy. Loves her new home and we love her. Took her to vet for other shot and shes doing fine. Thank you so much for allowing us to adopt her. She's full of energy! Thank you for what you do!
Brenda |
01/12/2009 |
Cocoa aka Sonya |
Sonya or as she is now known...Cocoa is just great! She is such a perfect fit with our family....she's not shy and just plops herself on anyone that happens to be sitting or lying down. She's got the loudest purr that I've ever heard and seems to be gaining weight . We'll know this weekend with her vet appointment..this is her second vet visit and last time they said she was healthy except for some tape worms that they gave her medicine for...no evidence since immediately after so I think she's all clear. thank you for the opportunity to give her a loving home. We love her so much!
Stormie |
01/14/2009 |
Tucker aka Dickens |
Hello all,
I just wanted to touch base with all interested on Dickens' progress since we brought him home Sunday, Jan.4th. Fist of all he has grown already! He has fit so well and so immediately into our family and we are thrilled to have him! He is now called Tucker and keeps our whole family, including the other pets very busy. Our dog Aldo was tolerant at first, but now seems to enjoy laying. Because Aldo outweighs Tucker by about 70 pounds, they are always supervised. Aldo often sits on Tucker to signal that he has had enough! Tucker is also getting along with our cat fairly well. When they are in close proximity, Tucker keeps a respectful distance. Jinx the cat has not gone into hiding which is a good sign from him that all is, or will be, well. Tucker is a great dog! He has only had a few accidents, mostly due to recent bad weather. He likes his crate and is quiet at night. My boys love him to pieces and have both proven to be responsible pet owners as we frequently have to tag-team Tucker's supervision so he does not get into trouble around the house. We can't get enough of him! He has even been traveling daily in the car to and from school and seems to enjoy it. I just thought you might like to know what a happy life he now has and how happy he makes us all in return. Thanks so much for all your good work!
Connie |
Update 25-Jan: Tucker is doing beautifully. He has enriched our people family life as well as our animal family life immensely and we are so happy to have him ! He is really smart, so adorable and keeps us all entertained. He is growing like crazy! He has had his first vet appointment where he received required shots. They recommended neutering around the five month mark, so we will probably go with that. Thanks so much for the hard work you do and for the follow up. |
01/15/2009 |
Sapphire |
Sapphire is great. She is very sweet and smart. She was immediately accepted by our other cats and gets along with everybody. She is vey curious lots of fun and we love her. Thank you. I have attached a few photos. She doesn't always stay still and pose like my other cats so its hard to get a photo of her.
Thanks again Steven and Leslie |
01/15/2009 |
Moxie aka Foxy |
Hi! Everything is going great with Foxy, who we now call Moxie. She took a few days to adjust but is really out of her shell now. She is so sweet and gets along wonderfully with my daughter. Moxie is very calm when inside and very playful when outside. We're taking her to obedience classes since she doesn't seem to know any commands. She's already learned a lot but only wants to listen when I have a treat! Moxie hates the crate which has been challenging but I think she is starting to realize it's not a bad place. We feed her in there and she's getting more comfortable. She loves to ride in the car with us! She seems to really have connected with me and follows me all around the house and lays right at my feet when I'm sitting down. Moxie is such a sweet dog and we're so happy to have her in our family. |
01/18/2009 |
Tony |
Thanks for touching base. I spoke to Nancy about 1 1/2 weeks ago. I let her know that Tony went to our vet and got a clean bill of health. He is doing well. He's become much more puppy-like and is apparently considerably younger than the 4 yrs old that your vet estimated. He has been chewing up things in our home so I need to crate him while I am not home. He is a sweet boy and we love him. Thanks for saving him.
Priscilla | |
01/20/2009 |
Maddie aka Carolina |
We are all doing very well. Thank you for checking in with us. Maddie (ie Carolina) is wonderful. She has adjusted so well to her new home and family; and we have adjusted very well to her. She is very much a part of our family now. We love her dearly!
Thank you, Megan | |
01/23/2009 |
Zoë aka Star |
Thank you to everyone! Your support made the adoption of Star (now Zoë) a wonderful experience. Zoë is resting at my side as she has recently returned from her spay appointment. I also had her check up today and she has a microchip. Dr. Myres suspects she will be a medium sized dog and that she is a multiple mixture. She is a blessing as have been all the wonderful workers and volunteers at CARA.
Update 10-Feb: Hi Jean,Zoe (AKA Star) has lived up to my expectations. She is a great companion and a sweet dog. Rare occasional puppy issues seem to be resolved quickly as she likes to please. We will begin Bon Clyde's puppy class on Feb 23rd.
Thanks again, Brad | |
01/23/2009 |
Pearl |
Hello all at CARA,
We just wanted to let you know that Pearl is still doing very well! She's wild and crazy and comes whenever she hears my voice. She's still shy around strangers, but she's definitely 'talkative' and wakes us up every morning to be fed when she is ready. Hopefully, we'll be looking for a kitten friend for Pearl sometime in late summer!! :)
-Thanks, Erica (& Tom) |
01/24/2009 |
Rocket |
01/25/2009 |
Bruno aka Schnitzel |
Bruno (the puppy formerly known as Schnitzel ;) is doing great. He's definitely full of energy and loves meeting people. The potty training is going very well -- he's just about 90% on the newspaper and he usually makes it all through the night. There's a few puppy issues such as biting and snapping, but we're making every attempt to ignore that and reward his good behaviors, which are many. He's had a vet checkup, who says he's very healthy, and his final shots and rabies shot will be taken care of in the next few weeks. Overall, we're very happy to have such a lovable addition to our small family. Thanks to you all at CARA for making this process so smooth. If you've got any other questions, just let me know.
Thanks again, Dave and Laura Krnavek | |
01/26/2009 |
Pickles aka Haley |
Haley is now named Pickles, and she has been a wonderful addition to our family. Our two oldest cats ignore her, but our two-year old male cat plays with her all the time. He has also taken to pinning her down and grooming her, which she seems to enjoy. She is incredibly active, and has several favorite stuffed animals that she takes out of my daughters' rooms and carries around the house with her, much like a dog. She is a very affectionate cat, and we couldn't be more happier with her!
Yvonne | |
01/26/2009 |
Cosmo |
Hello CARA friends,
Cosmo is doing wonderfully. He has acclimated to our home and loves to run and play. He "flies" around the house. Cosmo is a real joy and we're very happy to be his new mom and dad.
Ellie | |
01/31/2009 |
Sploshes aka Phoenix |
Phoenix who's name is now Sploshes because of his markings on his face, paw, leg, & chest is doing well. We took him to the vet for his check up & everything was fine. He is being your typical baby (kitten) into everything & exploring every crook & cranny in the house. He loves to play & continually follows us around around the house. He is so afraid he is going to miss something. He adjusted quickly & extremely well to his new surroundings & we can sure tell he is happy. He is a very loving boy most of the time & a great addition to our family. Thank you so much for helping us.
Cathy Terry, & Sploshes | |
02/01/2009 |
Jasper aka Riley |
"Riley" who has been renamed to Jasper is doing great. He is growing up to be a big, strong, and healthy puppy. He enjoys playing outside and taking walks in the neighborhood. He had a blast in the snow when we got those few inches 2 weeks ago. I also took him to the vet a couple of weeks ago for his physical and everything was good. He has an appointment tomorrow for his last booster shot. Thank you for checking up on him!
Sincerely, Shannon | |
02/01/2009 |
Matea aka Claudia |
Claudia/Matea is doing great! She has adapted well. She was seen by the vet, and she is very healthy. We are enjoying having her in our home. My daughters just love her as well. She is gradually getting closer to us. She sleeps on our daughter's bed and she started crawling in my lap to snuggle! Thank you for taking such good care of her before we were ready to add another member to our family!
Cathie | |
02/04/2009 |
Kara aka Gloria |
We have renamed Gloria to Kara, just changed the c to a k, so we will always remember where we got our beautiful girl. She is full of energy and loves our shepard/collie mix, Buddy. Buddy is great with his new little sister and they are always together she sleeps next to him and follows him everywhere. Kara is growing long legs and soon will be able to keep with Buddy while they chase each other around the back yard. Kara did well after she surgery to be spayed with litle effect on her running abilities. Thank you for her.
Ann | |
02/06/2009 |
Quinn aka Crystal |
Crystal is no longer Crystal since she is really a boy. We have named him Quinn. He has gained a pound as of last Friday. He eats well. We go back in two weeks for his first rabies shot. We love having him as part of our family.
Pam | |
02/06/2009 |
Boomer aka Milkshake |
Milkshake-now known as Boomer-is doing great. He had his check up this week and Dr. Cindy at All Animals said he is in great shape. The children love him and he loves the children. He seems to be very smart and is already getting the hang of being house trained.
Thanks, Page. | |
02/07/2009 |
Byron |
Byron came by to visit. Look how big and handsome he is now!
02/07/2009 |
Winston aka Boris |
Apparently kept in his own feces in a crate so small that it crippled his back. His nails grown into his paws. His fur matted from urin and feces. Almost starved to death. So scared he was afraid to move.
Left behind by unknown in a basket at the Shelter; a ice-cold winter morning.
Found, treated, cared for, loved, home.
He will never have to be scared again or lack anything!

02/07/2009 |
Lily aka Bonnie |
Just wanted to send you some photos of Lily. She is an excellent companion for us and our other dog. She is extremely intelligent, knows all of her basic commands and likes nothing better than long walks or tearing around the yard!
Laura | |
02/12/2009 |
Miss Priss |
Miss Priss is ruling her domain. She is the sweetest cat ever! My mom-in-law loves her. Priss is a lap cat which is so good for Mom. They sit together in the glider for hours at a time. I took Priss to see Dr. Myres today to get her booster shot. He checked her out and says she is very healthy. She was so good at the doc's office, unlike my other cat who absolutely hates going to the doc! I think I'll get Priss to teach Pook some manners! Anyway, she is Purr-fect! We love her. My husband adores her. She has found some favorite spots in the house for curling up for naps and some spots for "profiling," as my husband calls it when she strectches out and rolls over on the carpet. Thanks for providing us with a lovable family member.
Love, Grader's family | |
02/15/2009 |
Brook & Isaac |
Brock and Isaac are doing great. They have adapted well to their new home and our kids absolutely love them.
Jeff |
 | |
02/15/2009 |
Chester |
Chester is doing great. He's really bonded to me and likes having a room all to himself. He's actually trying to help me type this e-mail at this very moment by batting at the keyboard (lol). It even looks like he may be starting to lose a little weight. We've coaxed him into spending a little bit of time outside to watch birds, and he seems to really enjoy it even though he never goes more than five feet from the door. We really love having him around, and after the past couple of weeks, I'm pretty sure he's loving being here. Thank you all so much for helping us find a wonderful pet. I hope you all have continued success in your ventures.
Sincerely,Alissa | |
02/15/2009 |
George |
George is doing wonderfully. He enjoys going to the dog park on the weekends. However, he is very disappointed that they covered up his mud hole. He has a slight seperation anxiety problem when left alone and shreds things but we are working on it and he has gotten better. He has learned how to sit, lay, shake and is working on rolling over. Stay, however, is not a strong point. He is experimenting with the idea of swimming but he thinks it is still too cold. Plus, he isn't fond of the ducks being in his pond. We are very happy with him and glad to be able to provide this smart dog with a good home.
Take Care, Charles | |
02/20/2009 |
Domino |
She is doing so well! She has gained a little weight because she loves wet food and begs for it every time I go to the pantry. She also loves the view from the windowsill and has made that her new spot.
Thank for checking in, Leslie | |
02/21/2008 |
Sarah & Sam (aka Adam) |
I've been meaning to send pictures but I'm waiting on my hubby to download them! I guess I'll have to figure out how to do it. Sarah and Sam (Adam) are growing and learning a lot right now. Sarah is 17 lbs. and Sam is 24 lbs. as of last week. They've had their booster shots and rabies shot last week.
We take them to class on Saturday's at 1pm to Petsmart in Burlington. We've had two classes so far. I feel sorry for Sarah mostly because there are so many distractions (smells, people, other dogs, etc.) that I feel like she gets overwhelmed (I know I do!). Sam does good just checking out everything. His personality is cuddly and studying things. Sarah is a typical girl (she just wants to have fun). On one hand Sarah jumps into anything without thinking and then on the other hand she stays close to me when she's unsure of something. They both have a (home) crate and a pen in the garage. They love their 'homes' because it usually means treats.
The first time Sarah caught the Frisbee it was straight up in front of her face and she was running like a drunken sailor and ran into a tree. So funny! Sam is not too much into catching things but I think he'll do good on an obstacle course. I've starting walking/running with Sarah on my left side and Sam on my right side. Potty training is going very good. Sam still has a little problem when he gets excited. Sarah is good coming or 'watch me' but hasn't gotten the hang of sit. Sam does good on the sit and watch me. Our older dog Duke is getting use to them and is starting to play with them. Sarah just loves Duke! She can lick him all over the face and put her face into his mouth and I think he's enjoying the attention. Sam was a little leery of Duke but is to the point of jumping around him like a rabbit. That's a funny sight.
I could go on and on about our babies but as soon as I figure out the camera thing I'll send you some pictures. It was kind of overwhelming a first having 'two' puppies but they are good for us and for Duke...keeps us active for sure! Oh yeah, one more thing before I go...they love the water! We have a small stream behind the house and they love jumping around in it. We're going to get a kiddy pool this summer for them. Sorry for the dissertation!
Please pass this along to all the folks at CARA who had a part in our adoption. You guys are great and I tell everyone about you.
Sincerely, Pam
Update 14-Apr-08: Hello! Sarah is doing very well. We had her spayed 4/1 and Sam (Adam) goes in tomorrow 4/15 to be neutered. Sarah is ~40 lbs and Sam is ~50 lbs. I can't believe they came from the same litter as they are so different. They graduated from their training classes on 4/5 so now they can sit, down, stay, crawl, shake, drop it, leave it, watch me, lets go, and come (when there's nothing better than a dog biscuit). We were thinking of bringing them down for a visit with you guys the end of May. Do you think that would be alright? I still can't get the picture-download thing to work right. Overall, Sarah and Sam are doing really good. They definitely are into having a good time all the time. Sarah's little operation hasn't slowed her down at all. We'll see how Sam does. Stay in touch. Pam
03/02/2008 |
Jake aka Jaccob |
Day 1 and 2 went very well. He is very polite, did all his business where I wanted him to outside, slept well without crying, etc (Josh slept beside his crate on a mattress as I am not ready to have him in a bedroom on his doggie bed until I see how he is with housetraining. ) We went for about 3 short walks yesterday and again today. Today he spent about 4 hours outside with me - I was gardening and he was on a 30 ft lead rope - happy to roll in the grass, chew sticks and sleep in the sun. He is quite skittish with everything new - sounds, people, etc. He has a little trouble with the 3 big men in the house - runs to hide first or comes and stands behind me. I told them to just ignore him for now, plant themselves on the carpet and let him come to them on his terms. He had a fit when I started the coffee grinder (but my guys hate the loud noise too :) He ran into his crate - which was a good thing. When he decides something is too scary for him, well then he is done. Thanks for everything - have a good week.
Update: Things are going quite well with Jacob. He's done very well in the house, walking on a leash and with kennelling for night. He was quick to learn boundaries and manners in the house and enjoys being around us all day. He has a sweet personality and wants to please people. He's quite laid back but enjoys running with my oldest son on his bike and playing outside. Currently someone is home basically all day so he hasn't been alone much. We did have to leave him for 9 hours one day as we went to Charlotte for immigration stuff and were pleased to see he did well in his kennel (he has an Xlarge one which is big for him - we turned on the TV to Animal Planet and pointed the kennel in that direction :)) not sure if he enjoyed it or not! He has been a good addition to our family and we are enjoying having a pet once again, after many years. On the down side - he is VERY skittish at times - still quite afraid of my younger son (who he doesn;t see much) and not crazy about my husband. It's like he wants to engage and be okay with things but his first instinct is to pull away, find a corner to hide in when they come etc. He has the fear and flight instinct down very well. Noises, movements, etc will send him fleeing or cowering. So we will work on his self esteem and believe it will get better over time. But it seems to be a man thing for him - he will approach kids and women but jump away from new men and won't let Jeff or Brendan approach him - he has to be the one to approach them (BTW: my guys are quite quiet, laid back men who never have issues with other animals - so I am pretty sure it is Jacob who needs to relax and get used to them). I'll bug Josh to send you some pictures as he has some on his computer (Jacob stays in Josh;s room and Josh is the one who does the most stuff with him - he follows Josh around like a sheep :) Right now we just went for a 2 mile walk and he is splayed out beside my computer desk - snoring! Have a good day - thanks again for the work you do.
Update 7-May-08:
Update 31-May-08: Jake (as we call him) is doing great! He's grown - experiencing new things - like learning to walk on a treadmill (which now he hops on himself and waits for us to press the buttons), learning an invisible fence system so he can now explore our whole acre and wander freely while I work outside instead of being tied on a long lead, drives in the car, running alongside a bike, meeting dogs in the neighbourhood, etc. He has this neat little prance when he walks - even the guys working on the new houses nearby comment often how happy he looks (tail in the air, little prance and usually a stick in his mouth that he picked up from on the road!) He is such a polite dog - neighbours can't get over how he never barks (like other dogs around here!). Since someone is basically home all day - his house training went very easy and he has a regular schedule which has helped with acclimating to a new home. Trying some new commands - he seems to learn quite well - especially when rewarded with treats! He remains skittish at times - sudden movements, certain people , noises, new places. We have learned to tell people to ignore him at first and let him come to them - seems to work well for our guests (and one son who he is still wary of at times). He certainly has a "hound" type of stubborn streak - but we try hard not to let him get away with it. Thanks for the great care you took of him while at your shelter. He has been a good addition to our household. |
03/03/2008 |
Douglass |
Hi, just wanted to let everyone know that Douglas is settling in nicely. Seems his safe place is our bed...hahahahaha...wants nothing to do with the crate, so the Fat Cat Weekes (28 pounds) has claimed it for his own. Weekes adores Douglas and is frankly a little upset that Douglas is not allowing him to shower him with more attention. But it's getting there. The other two cats are keeping their distance and a little more "annoyed" by the change, but no one has packed a hanky and are all eating well, so I've told them to get over it quickly. He has had no accidents in the house. Slept soundly between my husband and I, and this morning when I patted to come closer he did easily. I told him I'm tired of seeing his behind. I'm working away on my laptop and he is nestled next to me (on the couch). He's already warmed up to the family and loves to wash my son's arms and give big wet smells to Krista, the 5 year old. She has served him make-believe hot cocoa from her tea set twice tonight. My husband spent the day with him (he works from home) and finally got him to come downstairs and hang out with him. He walks well on his leash, and still timid when he sees other dogs. If they bark he becomes a mess, but he's getting there and already met the neighbor dog through the fence, and they have hit it off. But really he is great! We love him and everyone is just being wonderful with him and taking turns with him so he can be comfortable with all of us. He's eating well and we are a great fit! But a 28 pound cat and Douglas who likes to spread long....we'll be needing a bigger bed!!! We'll send some pics soon.
Take care and thanks.
Update: Hi, he's doing great!!! He's a sweet, sweet dog and making excellent progress. His "safe" places are our bed and the couch in our family room. But he now comes down or out of the room on his own. He's still skiddish and will rush off at a sound that startles him, but he comes right back. He played like mad last night with my daughter's little dog who is just over a year old and has way too much energy. But he and Douglas went at it for a couple of hours and were both exhausted later. He eats very well and his potty is always outside. It's adorable at night as he comes into our daughter's room while he do our good night ritual and gets on her bed and gives her lots of smells and licks to her face. He has his routine in the morning, follows me downstairs to be fed, and the cats get fed then he and i go for his walk while it's still dark since I have to leave by 7am. He is definitely more at ease in the morning since there are only a couple of others walking dogs but he's friendly with the other dogs we run into. We love that he sleeps between her at night and comes up for all the petting we both give him. We are really enjoying him and as he becomes less skiddish we can even teach him some thing like sit and stay and lay. He is very smart. When I tell him no, he listens. He'll be going to vet next week just for an intro and f/u and so I can get an idea of his weight since he eats very well and loves a snack! He's chewed through many toys but that's okay, let him chew through as many as he wants until this phase passes. He has done no damage at all to any furniture or anything. Thanks for checking and thanks for blessing us with him. He's wonderful, and we know that the day will come where he'll see he's really safe and staying for many many years and hopefully come to trust us completely :-) We'll send some pics soon!
Update: Douglas is doing GREAT!!!! He is a wonderful dog and we all just love him so much. He is still timid, but making real good progress. His "safe" zone is our bed and our couch in our family room. He loves his early morning walks (6am) because it's still quiet and not too many people out. He now comes downstairs on his own in the mornings to eat and hang until we leave for his walk. Loves to sleep right between me and my husband and just stretch out...hahahahaha...gives lots of lick kisses. My oldest daughter brings her small dog Rocky (about a year old) and they just play and go at it for hours!!! He has not had any accidents in the house. He gets tons of attention, and chews through all his toys but hasn't touched anything else. He listens pretty well and is definitely a smart dog. The timidness is getting better but it doesn't take much to send him back to his safe zone if a sound or something startles him. But we give him lots and lots of reassurance that it's okay. We have no doubt that he will be perfectly fine. Time and patience :-) I have nothing but wonderful things to say about Douglas. He is gaining weight and loves his snacks. We heard him really bark for the first time just a couple of days ago! Thanks for allowing us to adopt Douglas, he fits in perfectly with this crazy bunch! We will send more pics soon.
Update 31-May-08:
03/09/2008 |
Rosy |
I thought I'd share a few pictures I took or Rosie this morning. As you can see, she rules! Thanks so much for allowing me to adopt her - she is such a wonderful, sweet girl and we enjoy our walks and time on my patio. Her obedience training starts next Wednesday and I am sure she will have me trained in no time.
Update 16-Apr: I just wanted to let you know Rosie graduated from Beginning Obedience Class today! We start intermediate training in a couple weeks and are working towards getting her qualified as a therapy dog! She continues to be her sweet, loving self only more so! Thanks again for your gift of Rosie! Update 30-May: Rosie has become my new 'best friend' and we have such fun together. She finished obedience class but I continue to work with her; she is getting pretty good at walking on leash and other basic commands. She is learning to play ball as well. Rosie loves to ride in the car and will snuggle in her hammock and fall asleep almost immediately. As you can see by the attached picture, she also loves sleeping on my (her) bed. THANK YOU for allowing me to adopt Rosie. She is a wonderful companion.
03/27/2008 |
Faith |
Faith is doing great!!!!She has adjusted wonderful with my other cat,Runt. They are 2 of a kind togather.I have pictures,i just need to get them off my memory card & bring some to you. Hope to be able to help again. | |
03/27/2008 |
Pistachio |
First we want to say thank you for allowing us to adopt him. He has instantly become a part of our family and he fits right in here. Whoever does the profile descriptions was dead on with his! He is very much a lion who loves attention. |
03/31/2008 |
Cloe aka Miss Cloe |
04/11/2008 |
Laney |
Laney is doing just fine. I love her so much. She is a joy to have. I Spoil her. She is every smart little dog. I am thankful to have her.
Thanks Again, Essie Clark | |
04/13/2008 |
Cara aka Coretta |
Cara, formerly Coretta, is doing well. She did have a reaction to the internal sutures from her spaying. She is currently on medication for it and the incision site looks much better. She is a very sweet dog and it's hard to believe that someone gave her up. We are really enjoying her. She loves our cat and our cat is learning to like her.
Thanks for the follow up, Lori
Update 9-Jun-08: Cara (formerly Coretta) is doing wonderful. We are really enjoying her. She has the most expressive face of any dog I've seen. | |
04/13/2008 |
Zagnut |
We are ok. Thank you for asking. Zagnut is quite fine. She plays with my daughter and wakes everyone in the morning. It seemed to me she even gained some weight. I think she likes to be with us.
Have a great day, Oleg. | |
04/13/2008 |
Biscuit aka Manny |
Hello Jean, Thank you for touching base on "Manny," now Biscuit. He is doing well but there has been a lot of change in his life with us. We went on vacation for a week, and he adjusted to our wonderful pet sitter. Now, he's trying to adjust back to us. He probably felt overwhelmed and got diarrhea, and left presents all over the house. I took him to the vet and they couldn't find any usual cause for his diarrhea, and recommended confinement and a high fiber diet for 2-5 days. We are following that currently, and hope to see improvement. Biscuit has not really had regular stools (comparing to our other cat) since we got him. I know he had a touch of diarrhea earlier in the shelter, but did he have a huge problem with his stools? The vet thinks it could be anxiety or that he ate a toxic plant. We're trying to rule those out with his confinement. I'll look forward to hearing from you. And please convey my thanks to Annette for leaving the tip for Brewer's yeast. I couldn't return her message because we were leaving for vacation and had a few hectic hours remaining. Thank you, Shibani
Update 22-Nov:
We had adopted Manny, now known as Biscuit, from your organization this March. He had issues with diarrhea and anxiety. However, I am happy to report that all of that has gone, and Biscuit is a happy cat, and his personality has evolved from being such a skittish cat to such a friendly one. As you can see from his picture, Biscuit has grown quite a bit. He is about to hit his 2nd birthday in Feb. '09. We are constantly amazed at all he has to offer. We couldn't be happier with this new addition to our cat family, and we hope to adopt another one from you in the near future. We really appreciated the follow-up calls and emails by your staff. Thank you for doing such a commendable job. Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Shibani | |
04/13/2008 |
Lilly |
Thanks for getting in touch with me. Lilly is doing well. She has had a calm weekend this weekend. She was spayed on Friday. I will be sending you the paperwork. Today, she seems to be feeling better. Potty training is going well. She hasn't piddled too much in the house. (Gave her a break on Friday night, the surgery messed her up a little) I think she likes us. She is very happy, and very very playful, and much adored by my kids. She loves her walks, (or runs with my son), she loves her crate, "Lilly's pad", and she loves chewing anything that makes lots of noise. Forget furniture, give her cardboard. We took an old plastic bottle with a lid, put holes in it, and put treats in it to make noise, do you know she figured out how to open the bottle and get her treats out!!! SMART!!! We are really enjoying her!!! She is definately part of the family now, you can't have her back!!
04/15/2008 |
Scooter |
Hello! Sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your email...we have been in and out so much lately! Scooter is doing really well,...adjusting nicely to his new home. We love having him and are so happy we were able to adopt him. I have attached a couple of pictures of him that we have taken. Thank you for contacting us!
Update 26-Jun-08: Scooter is doing great! We started classes this past Tuesday at PETSMART for basic training. We are excited, we just bought a house that we move in to on July 11th-he will have a big backyard to play in! I attached one picture and I have many more of him if you'd like some, I could send them later this evening-I don't have them saved on my work computer. Thank you for checking in on him...he is doing great, I don't know what we would do without him-he is our baby! I know we get mailings from CARA periodically-I will email you our new address once we have moved in! | |
04/15/2008 |
Rye aka Petunia |
Our little Rye (aka Petunia) is doing very well. She's in today getting spayed and looked pitiful when I left her. She's quite the pistol. The sheet I'm supposed to send back in for the spay refund has been chewed on quite a bit by the little gal, along with my 1,000 piece Elvis puzzle, and multiple Elvis books (she has something against Elvis... I don't get it!) Just the same, she and sister TyTy are funny little gals together & she follows TyTy's every move. While she was originally purchased for / by our daughter, she's become quite the family dog. Mornings are with Waylon, afternoons / evenings with Bailee and nights she's all Momma's (cuddling from the minute the sun goes down). We love her and are so glad we found her. THANK YOU!!
04/23/2008 |
Tucker |
Tucker is doing great! He's been for his check-up with the vet (Myres Animal Hospital) and based on their recommendation, Tucker underwent surgery on the 10th to correct the problem with his eyes (his lower lids rolled in causing irritation and scratching of his corneas). His recovery went really well and he's loving his new and improved eyesight! It's definitely made him more energetic and playful - now that he can see better he loves to chase the butterflies and birds in the yard and on our morning and evening walks. Next week we plan to start Tucker in doggie day care once a week to keep him socialized with other dogs and based on his curiousity and energy with other dogs in the neighborhood, I'm positive he'll love going to day care to help pass the day when Todd and I are both at work. Todd and I both love Tucker and feel we made the best choice in dogs to adopt. He's been a wonderful addition to our family. |
04/23/2008 |
Ava |
Thank you for your follow up. Ava is doing great and adjusting very well with the family and pets. I have attached some pictures of Ava for you.
Update 27-Jun-08: Thank you again for checking in. Take care. Thank you for checking in on Ava. We did keep her named as Ava and she is doing great. Enjoy the pics! | |
04/23/2008 |
Nala |
Hi, Nala is doing beautifully. She is already the rule of the house, follows Luke and I from room to room, ready to play with anything and anyone that moves. Uses her litter pan, eats well and has already grown a lot. We love her a bunch. Flora | |
04/24/2008 |
Oliver |
We all are doing geat! Oliver is having so much fun, and we are enjoying having him.
Thanks | |
04/25/2008 |
Bingo |
Bingo is doing great! He is quite a character and we enjoy his antics - He is getting along with our dogs and the kids love him! | |
04/28/2008 |
Morgan aka Drew |
Hi, I adopted "Drew" back in September of 2006. He now goes by the name of "Morgan" and I just want you all to know that he is the most wonderful cat! I really think he enjoys his forever home with me and my two other kitties, Mac & Mollie. I thought you might enjoy seeing a glimpse of a day in the life of Morgan. See pictures attached.......... Thanks so much for the wonderful work you do!
05/23/2008 |
Maddie |
Maddie has adjusted well and is the most wonderful addition to our family, her and other cat who we got from CARA back in 2005, Missy Prissy, seem to be getting along very well, when I chance I will send a pic or two to you guys. We all love Maddie very much, she sat in lap in fact last night watching youtube videos of talking cats, pawing at the screen, she is simply a wonderful cat. Thank you from our heart. CARA is literally the cat's meow!!! Update 31-May-08: Here are some pics of Maddie and her big sister Miss Priss (AKA as Martini). They are the two most of wonderful cats in the world. Maddie enjoys aggravating her big sister. These cats are forever loved. You guys are the cats' meow and the dogs' bark.
05/23/2008 |
Athena |
Hello everyone ... "Athena" now known as Sandi is doing great.. She is as active little thing. She has all of her shots. We are just waiting another month as per her vet to get her spayed. She loves to cuddle and give kisses. She loves her older brother Max and he loves protecting her. She takes advantage of his though....lol.. She also loves to run around the yard and play ball.When she runs around the yard so hops and pounces on her brother....lol... If I did not know any better I would say she is part dog and part rabbit. She can sit, give paw, give kisses, lay down and stay most of the time. She understand what no means when she wants to listen...lol... She is a joy and we are so happy that we went there and got her from you. She is great and I would not change her for anything in the world. I am attaching a few pictures so you can see her. She has grown so much. When I got her she weighed about 12 pounds .She now weighs 32 pounds. She is going to be a big girl. Thanks again.
05/25/2008 |
Parker |
Thank you so much for writing to inquire about Parker. In a nutshell, everything has been great. He seems to be adjusting quite well to his new surroundings. He loves playing with his toys and carries them around in his mouth wherever he goes. He has developed quite a love for our screened porch. He loves to watch the birds at our backyard feeder or catch a few zzz's out in the rays of sunshine. We also think our dog, Gus, has accepted Parker as part of he family. He reluctantly shares his bed with his new friend and puts up with a few swats at his tail now and then. I have attached a few photos of Parker. The last two show him enjoying his favorite spot...the porch! Thank you so much for bringing Parker into our home. Best wishes to you and the rest of the staff at CARA.
05/27/2008 |
SydneyJane |